Friday 12 September 2014

How not to get embarrassed during fine dining

We are all accustomed to eating by using the fork and spoon. It's a very common thing to use. In some cultures here in Malaysia, eating with just your hands are common too. The thing is we do not have to worry much about it so much since a basic fork and spoon can pretty much let you eat any meal.

But what if you were to be invited to a formal dinner? What if it's a fine dining affair? As you have probably heard or seen on TV, it's not the basic fork and spoon stunt anymore. Now you are going to have to face an array of cutleries that looks almost the same but with different sizes and arrangements! Not only that, if you happened to have a date with you, you are probably worried that you will make a fool out of yourself not to mention that might be the last time you two will be dating.

Worry not. It is quite simple. Once you understand the basics, you can make everyone think that this is something that you are doing everyday. Talk about scoring points with your date!

Below is a basic table setup. The easiest way to remember is by using this simple rule: always work from the outside in; the cutlery farthest away from your plate is for the first course. Still unsure? No worries. Just wait for a bit and follow your host or hostess.

Other things to take note:

  • Always take small portions of food
  • When you finish eating, you must place the cutlery over the plate in a parallel way and the knife with the edge inward.
  • Make it as silent as possible. It is considered rude to hear you munching away those steak
  • Bring the food to your mouth not your mouth to the food
  • Stay calm and just enjoy the evening!


About The Writer
Born in Sabah with an interest in open water diving, wall climbing,music and video production and a passion for Android custom ROMS on his XT910 Motorola Razr Kay Kastum plans to make the world a better place by empowering people through his work. Whatever that means. You can follow his YouTube channel to see what he is up to during his free time

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